The Last Supper

The Last Supper

Where i spit truth, made of fire.....

You see tha powerful got nervous, Cause he refused to be their servant; 'Cause he spit truth, That shook heads and burned like black churches; Prose and verses, A million poor in hearses; Watch tha decision of Dred Scott as it reserves ; So long as tha rope is tight around Mumia's neck ; Let there be no rich white life , we bound to respect ; Cause and effect; Can't ya smell tha smoke in tha breeze??? My panther my brother we are at war until you're free!!!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Truth 2

Breaking News –- Two Chinese gold medalists are actually, Titanium robots!
- August 14, 2008 3:35 pm EDT

Everyone was faked out, but the spark of truth lit up during the 10-meter platform synchronization finals in the Water Cube on August 12, when CNM reporter Don Wotjz noticed the unusual body motion and “calmness” shown by the two Chinese divers, Wang Xin and Chen Ruolin. While viewers were stunned by Wang and Chen’s unbelievable precision, Don also noticed something overlooked by the overwhelmed audience - the exact same physical profiles that only belong to the twins - but they have different last names.

Don went on to investigate the histories of these two "athletes". It became obvious quickly that neither existed two years ago, at least according to the international knowledge. In addition, their prior records were incredibly simple, or incomplete. It's almost impossible to find out any past stories about them, if there were truly any.

The spark of truth became even brighter when Don got hold of a Chinese magazine - Official China Weekly. On the June 8, 2006 issue, there was an article about Hi-Tech robots made for the Olympic Games. It stated that at least two Titanium robots were completed, by HuaWei Technology Corp ( The article didn't specify what the robots would be used for. Given all the Hi-Tech elements shown in the opening ceremony, it's not too much of a stretch that they were made to "divers".

During the investigation, Don also met an American (Anderson Brown) who was at the Water Cube on August 12, telling him what he saw during the contest. Anderson witnessed a group of five men in a luxury viewing box, with some complex equipments, probably remote control/monitoring device. They were not interested in the dives, except of the Chinese divers. In fact, Anderson recalled, their attention was always focused on the Chinese divers, regardless what else was going on in the Water Cube.

Don presented his findings to the IOC this morning, along with some other strong evidence yet to be disclosed. Given the inarguable facts, IOC officials promised a thorough investigation.

No news matches the magnitude of this one. Although previous accusations on the simulated firework or lip sync generated big fanfares, after all they were parts of a performance show, openly announced by the Chinese to the public. But the impact and damage of this one can never be under-estimated.

Meanwhile, Don has instantly become a hero, and the most famous reporter today. Asked about how he feels, he said: "Great, it helped me getting over the fact that China is sitting on top of my country on the medal stand… I’m also glad that I made it ahead of other people. If I don’t make up this story, they will."

1 comment:

jeszebel said...

woww huawei coop isnt that the company that designs maxis modem?